Wrapped By Petals Released
Good news! My children’s book “Wrapped By Petals” is now live and available on bookstores worldwide. It can be purchased as ebook, kindle, paperback or hardcover. To some bookstores it may not be available yet, but I’ll update this post for all links to where you can buy my book. I am very grateful and happy that finally I am able to publish my very first children’s book. “Red Stone” book will also be available soon, I am still working on the illustrations, but the story is already final and I am so excited to share it to the world.
Wrapped By Petals Cover
Wrapped by Petals might have an animated video version soon, but I am still working on it. I’ll order my author copies as soon as possible, and share all my photos here of the physical product. I can’t wait to see and touch the book soon! The feeling of being an author of your original work is super awesome!
Links to where you can purchase a copy of my book:
Now available at:
Bokus (Swedish Book Specialist)
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